Five Pillars of Yoga…


In yoga, breath is the most important element. Yoga literally means breath with movement and it is the driving force behind your entire practice. It informs each movement, guides the flow, and allows you to work through the most difficult of sequences.

In life, breath can serve much of the same purpose. It’s the one constant in your life and it’s something you can always come back to in moments of stress and worry. Breath is a reminder that you’re alive, you’re present, you’re OKAY. No matter what else is happening in your life, your breath keeps you moving and it’s always there to support you. Literally and figuratively.


In yoga, drishti refers to your gaze. It is the basis for developing a focused intention and concentration during your practice. As you move through different poses your drishti changes, but it’s meaning never alters. It keeps your grounded and focused on what you’re doing in the present moment. It keeps your mind from wandering and it keeps you centered. Drishti is one of the most important elements for entering a state of meditation.

In life, your gaze can be your focus on your goals, hopes, and dreams for your life. What you set out to do can be accomplished if you stay focused, work hard, and keep your aspirations in mind. Gazing towards your future and striving to make a better tomorrow for yourself gives you something to base an intention on. Everyday you can set out to accomplish certain things and stay on top of your obligations.

FOUNDATION…(udiayana bandha)

In yoga, the foundation of your practice is keep your legs, core, and arms engaged in every movement. They create a strong base for each pose and my ‘turning on’ these body parts you light up your muscles and really work your body. These key body parts also give you all the strength behind each posture. They inform each thing you do in your practice and they allow you to explore the possibilities that your body has. Rooting your legs in every posture, lighting up your hands, and tightening your core builds awareness and also keeps you safe from injury.

In life, your legs, core, and arms are what literally carry your through every. damn. day. The saying goes: “As the foundation is laid, so the walls of the house will rise.” So keeping these body parts strong and stable is key to staying healthy. They are your bodies powerhouses and you shouldn’t go a day without be grateful for all they do for you.


In yoga, heat is all around you. The room is literally heated…but more importantly heat is created within you. From your focus, from your core, and literally from all the movement you’re doing. The heat enhances strength, increases flexibility, improves posture, gives mental clarity, balances blood pressure, and improves ability to concentrate.

In life, heat is the fire within you. Your passion. Your drive. Your determination. It challenges you, but it also keeps you motivated and keeps you moving. 

FLOW & MOVEMENT…(vinyasa)

In yoga, vinyasa is the culminating element. It is what all the other pillars lead to. The flow and the movement of the class. You can’t have this pillar without the others. It is literally the linking of body movement with breath specific sequences, the setting of an intention for one’s personal yoga practice, and taking the necessary steps toward reaching that goal.

In life, movement is all around us. We need physical movement to stay healthy and happy. But as I always say, movement should be natural and fun, NOT FORCED. So try to incorporate movement into your day by doing what you enjoy. Your body and mind will thank you for it. Also, life has its own sort of ebb and flow. Sometimes there are high points and peaks, and other times there are low points and valleys. But each experience gives us something to learn from. We are defined by everything we go through and can improve based on everything we are forced to face.

Five Pillars of a Healthy Lifestyle…


The exercise pillar is the foundation, and the gateway for optimal health and wellness. I say this because most people feel that if they start to move their body and exercise, good health will come. It makes sense to feel this way, but make sure that you also invest some time in the other four pillars. Besides, what is the point of exercise if you are not putting good things into your body, and getting proper rest Focus on moving your body daily in any way, shape, or form.

You must plan for exercise just like you would plan anything else. It must become a habit, not a New Year’s resolution. Make sure you balance your workouts with strength training, cardiovascular training, mobility work and recreational activities, and always focus on having good posture. Use exercise to help improve overall strength, mobility, and cardiovascular health. And make sure that you are balancing out your workouts so that you reduce the risk of injury and pain. Our bodies were meant to move so let’s get going.


In this day and age it gets harder and harder to try and follow a healthy nutritional plan. Even though we know more now than we ever have about proper nutrition, our food environment is still considered pretty poor. This is because poor quality food is cheap and readily available and high quality food takes a little more money and work. We are a fast pace, I want it now, taste good society. I never tell a client that proper nutrition is easy because it isn’t. It takes some work to properly fuel your body, but the reward is well worth it. I feel that instead of going cold turkey and cutting out all of the bad nutrition in your daily intake, instead have a daily checklist of habits that you want to develop. Here are some examples.

  • Drink plenty of clean water each day.
  • Eat healthy fats such as fish, flaxseeds, almonds, and avocados at least 2 times per day.
  • Eat a large green salad each day, or supplement with a green food powder or wheat grass cubes.
  • Eat a serving of complete protein at each meal.


Out of all the pillars of health, rest and rejuvenation has seemed to have taken a back seat in the busy individual’s life. This is the component that I see many of my clients struggle with the most. There just doesn’t seem to be enough time in the day to get everything done, and then get the proper amount of sleep. Sleep is the foundation of the rest and rujuvenation pillar. Sleep affects everything from fat loss and immune function, to hormone levels and energy. If you don’t get enough sleep you are more likely to not exercise, eat correctly, have a good attitude, and lead a healthy lifestyle. Getting a high amount of quality sleep has an affect on all pillars of health! Strive for eight hours each night.

Other methods of rest and rejuvenation are deep breathing (3 deep breaths), foam rolling and massage for soft tissue regeneration, hot and cold therapy (hot and cold baths and showers), and Yoga. Another way you can rest and rejuvenate is to simply do nothing! Take 10 minutes each day to not look at your phone, computer, TV and just sit there in silence. This one is tough.


Reduce stress in your life. It sounds simple, but it’s one of the most difficult things to do.


One of the most important steps you can take toward achieving your greatest potential in life is to learn to monitor your attitude and its impact on your work performance, relationships and everyone around you.